Thursday, December 30, 2010

12/29 and 12/30

I am grateful that i have a job that will allow me to spend the majority of my time with my daughter.

 I am grateful that I have a healthy child who is also happy.
i am thankful for all the things that i have in my life, all my friends and family. because they are always there for me no matter what i may go through or what i may say to them..... thank you!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i am thankful for my family

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Today I am grateful that I am able to do my hobbies.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Siblings

I told you a while ago that for Christmas that I was going to give you all gratitude journals and ask that you keep it for the year to help you appreciate everything you have and to make you think.  The response was "oh, that's so hard for you to do, all you're going to do is put together paper and staple it."

Initially I had planned to do nice covers for the journals (quilted cover, etc), but with that response, and your responses to a lot of other things lately I decided against it.  I've also decided against actually sending you journals to do this with.  I had even gone out and bought plain folders to still make you a journal and was going to set up the design and have writing prompts in it for you all to think about.

But, I've decided that my time is too precious to waste doing that.  Especially since I want to work on fixing my procrastination this year to do more things I want to do.   Besides, why should I waste my paper on something you are just going to laugh at me for and throw away.

So this is what I'm  going to do instead. I'm sending you an email through Mom and Sarah with the address to this blog in it for you to decide to participate with me or not.  I'm going to use this as a project for myself to do to see what I can learn from it.  I will give you the option of participating with me.  Just email me and I can give you access to post here your own gratitude posts.

This is what I'm going to do:
  • Everyday I will write in my planner, in the weekly day by day section that I don't really use effectively, what I am grateful for that day.
  • As I am able to I will come here and post the list from the last time I posted the things I am grateful for from each of the days following this for a year
  • My planner runs from 12/27/2010 to 1/4/2012 to I want to do this on each of those days
  • It only needs to be a simple sentence that tells what I am grateful for, but I may expand on that if I feel like it.
As I said before, I invite you to do the same thing, or to at least stop a moment each night before going to sleep and telling yourself what you are thankful for that day. It's up to you, but you've inspired me to do this and here it is.

Love, your sister,

Today I am grateful for my wonderful husband who does so much around the house without ever complaining about it.